Whether you are needing guidance achieving that essential “deep latch” or you need advice on boosting your milk supply, an IBCLC is there to support you. International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, or an “IBCLC’” specializes in helping people overcome the perfectly normal obstacles that come with breast or chest feeding. 

IBCLCs can be trusted to aid people in nursing all over the globe. Their services range anywhere from guiding you to find the best position that works for you and your baby, to addressing more serious issues such as mastitis and plugged ducts. They are qualified health care professionals, that are well equipped, and knowledgeable about up-to-date, evidence-based practices. 

The ideal IBCLC should be sensitive to baby and parent’s needs. They abide by a Code of Ethics and set boundaries involving their qualified scope of practice. IBCLCs main goal is to assist and enable parents to becoming confident with establishing and sustaining breastfeeding. They are highly qualified health professionals.

A common question that comes up  is “When should I seek out support from an IBCLC?” Anytime you have difficulties or questions regarding breastfeeding/chestfeeding, it can be so comforting having a compassionate certified caregiver ready with answers. Latching, positioning, milk expression, storage, supply, and strategy are all things IBCLCs can assist with.  If you’re pregnant, adopting, beginning lactation, or have been nourishing your child for months, there is a trusted IBCLC ready to aid you right where you are in your journey with any question you may have. 

If you are looking to work with an IBCLC, click here to be matched to a professional that’s the right fit for you.

If you are interested in becoming an IBCLC click here to learn more about certification and online learning programs.